You Need Us, collage letters, paper, glue, 2024
Winner of the Incinerator Art Award: Art for Social Change 2024
You Need Us
Trigger warning:
Financial hardship through society, ableism and swearing.
I will say “us” as people with disabilities, though I do not speak on behalf of anyone.
I will say “you” to mean society.
You Need Us.
So what that I can not do as much.
So what if I can do less than others.
So what if I need more help then I can give.
So fucking what.
I am not a burden.
This society has proven that.
The productivity commission.
But you have all forgotten that.
I have no special gift to burst out of me at the last minute, saving the day, proving my worth.
Worth - .
I’m not even proper brainy.
Well art.
Society has said how important that is to them.
And the infuriating thing
is - you need us.
I want to tell the lot of you to just fuck off.
But you fucking need us.
I wish I could say fuck without everyone laughing.
Fucking hell.
You piss, shit, talk over us and generally make life unliveable for us.
Worst of all - you cry for us.
You fucking cry for us.
When you are the problem.
And you need us!
I will spell it out for you.
You need us to make everyone’s lives easier, by making society innovate in design and thought.
Like curb cuts and text messages.
Survival of the fittest only ever works when the environment stays the same.
It’s people’s ability to diversify that has made us so strong and we need us in order to develop more.
But more than that.
Wait more than that.
Everybody needs to have a life.
Otherwise what is the fucking point?
But we cost so much?
We live as though there is scarcity, when there simply isn’t.
It’s a lie.
All my life I was told ‘we can not fund this, we can not fund that’, it was always coming back to money, stuff I needed and there was me with nothing to give.
What that does to a person.
To a living being.
And we still are underfunded, disability support providers are running constantly at a loss, leading to shoddy work : and yet they say that the NDIS is costing too much.
Of course there is enough for all of us.
Of course there is enough for me.
You know who is to blame?
You peeps.
Half of you think it's too hard and the other half of you want to help too much, you keep trying to help with too little money and you are constantly getting burnt out.
Becoming the instrument of slow violence.
It's horrible to see. A human, becoming slowly less a human. Snapping over the slightest thing.
Breaking down, of everything.
Please, only give what you can, what you can sustain.
The government thinks we can do it for less, because we have been forced to go with less for so long.
You are thinking it’s still too hard.
It isn't.
and you need us.
So I'm holding the world to ransom.
Or we will continue to die inside.
And you will continue to die inside.
Photographer Winifred McCarthy
I'm selling You Need Us fridge magnets.
You can pay $11 to pay ID
And then send me an email with your address and I'll mail it out to you.
Incinerator Art Award Install shot photographed by Gianna Rizzo (IG: @meaty)